Tap the club logo to visit the Mill Town Rowing website
If you have an iCrew account for Mill Town Rowing, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to Info@milltownrowing.org.
Adult Rower
Masters Annual Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Masters member and pay annually. Your cost is $1200/year.
Masters Monthly Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Masters member and pay in monthly installments. Your cost is $100/month.
Punch Card Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Masters member and pay with a punch card. Your cost is $300 for 20 rows.
Youth Rower
Junior Monthly Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Junior member and pay in monthly installments. Your cost is $100/month.
Junior Punch Card Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Junior member and pay with a punch card. Your cost is $300 for 20 rows.
Other Options
Coxswain Membership - Become a Mill Town rowing Coxswain member. Members who cox exclusively (i.e. who do not also row) pay no club fees. Membership is free.